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Hidrogarne CF-400E/NC C-Frame Hydraulic Press For Straightening Railway Tracks




Hidrogarne CF-400E/NC C-Frame Hydraulic Press For Straightening Railway Tracks

Machine Type: Customized Hydraulic Presses

Series: C-Frame


The CF-400E/NC hydraulic press belongs to the CF/NC series and is custom-designed for straightening railway rails.

Equipped with a top and bottom table made of machined C45E steel with DIN-650 slots.

It uses an optimized hydraulic system with a pressure below 255 Bar, ensuring prolonged durability and reliability in its performance.

It meets and satisfies all essential safety and health requirements according to CE regulations.

Structure and Tables

Features a goose-neck structure electros welded and made exclusively from S355JR steel.

Stabilized and machined at the end of the welding process to ensure perfect parallelism and precision.

Calculated and designed using finite element software.

The top table ensures perfect alignment with four lateral cylindrical guides of 80 mm diameter, equipped with maintenance-free anti-friction bimetallic bushings.

Cylinder and Hydraulic Group

Main single-acting cylinder with sleeved jacket, chrome-plated piston, and maintenance-free anti-wear guides.

Two lateral double-acting cylinders with chrome-plated pistons and anti-wear guides, providing rapid approach and return speeds.

Includes two independent hydraulic safety blocks.

Motorized hydraulic group with pre-fill valve for approach and return. Constant power variable flow pump.

Equipped with a directional valve, pressure limiting valve, decompression valve, and air-oil cooling system.

Glycerin manometer with tonne reading.

Electrical Installation and Safety

Includes a SIEMENS safety PLC model SIMATIC S7 1200 and a 7” touchscreen model KTP-700 CONFORT located in the electrical panel. Allows programming of operating modes in semi-automatic and automatic, power, stroke, and dwell time. Has a storage capacity of 300 recipes, with each recipe able to program all previous values.

Electrical and hydraulic maneuvers are redundant and self-controlled. Includes an additional safety block and self-control devices for maneuvering and safety. Includes verification and certification of correct operation and safety distance for photoelectric cells.

Operation is performed via a low-voltage electric pedal.

For safety, it incorporates lasers and work area protection with category IV photoelectric barriers

Technical Specifications

Power: tn 400

Engine Power: kW 22

Notch: mm 650

Variable Working Speed: mm/s 4-12

Approach Speed: mm/s 106

Return Speed: mm/s 125

Maximum Pressure: Bar 255

Piston Stroke: mm 750

Lower Table: mm 2.000 x 1.000

Upper Table: mm 2.000 x 1.000

Maximum Vertical Light: mm 1.000

Working Height: mm 960

Total Front: mm 1.310

Total Lateral: mm 1.885

Total Height: mm 3.560 + 600

Weight: kg 39.500


ModelCF-400E/NC C-Frame Hydraulic Press For Straightening Railway Tracks
Machine TypeCF-400E/NC C-Frame Hydraulic Press For Straightening Railway Tracks
Engine Power22
Variable Working Speed4-12
Approach Speed106
Return Speed125
Maximum Pressure255
Piston Stroke750
Lower Table2.000 x 1.000
Upper Table2.000 x 1.000
Maximum Vertical Light1000
Working Height960
Total Front1.310
Total Side1.885
Total Height3.560 + 600