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Hidrogarne RV-2000E/NC Segmented Rigid Arch Hydraulic Press For Medium Complexity Elastoforming Tasks




Hidrogarne RV-2000E/NC Segmented Rigid Arch Hydraulic Press For Medium Complexity Elastoforming Tasks

Machine Type: Customized Hydraulic Presses

Series: Elastoforming


The RV-2000E/NC rigid arch hydraulic press belongs to the R/NC series and is custom-designed for elastomer-forming tasks on medium-complexity parts.

It features an electro-welded structure made exclusively from S355JR steel. The structure is stabilized and machined at the end of the structural welding process to ensure perfect parallelism and precision, designed using finite element software.

It uses an optimized hydraulic system with a pressure of 250 Bar, ensuring prolonged durability and reliability.

It meets and satisfies all essential safety and health requirements according to CE regulations.

Structure and Tables

Rigid arch structure segmented, calculated and designed with finite element software and with a structural coefficient of level 5.

Circular lower table with a diameter of 550 mm, featuring 8 cylindrical guides.

Includes a hydraulic-driven removable plate for piece feeding and retrieval.

Cylinder and Hydraulic Group

Main single-acting cylinder with an upward drive, equipped with a pre-filling valve and four auxiliary cylinders for the fast advance and return of the table.

15 kW hydraulic group with a variable flow pump and constant power, enabling a complete cycle every 2 minutes.

Glycerin manometer with tonnage reading.

Electrical Installation and Security

Electrical cabinet includes a Siemens S7200 PLC with PROFINET configuration. Programming via KT-700 display.

Electrical and hydraulic operations are redundant and self-monitored.

Includes an additional safety block and self-monitoring devices for operation and safety.

Verification and certification of proper operation and safety distance for photoelectric cells.

Operation is performed via a low-voltage electric pedal.

For safety, it includes level IV photoelectric barriers located at the front and rear.

Technical Specifications

Power: tn 2.000

Engine Power: kW 15

Approach Speed: mm/s 19

Working Speed: mm/s 0.65

Return Speed: mm/s 28

Maximum Pressure: Bar 250

Piston Stroke: mm 220

Vertical Light: mm 120

Press Cycle Time: min 2

Table Dimensionsø: mm 550

Working Height: mm 2.050

Front: mm 2.300

Side: mm 1.300

Height: mm 3.320

Weight: kg 50.000


ModelRV-2000E/NC Segmented Rigid Arch Hydraulic Press For Medium Complexity Elastoforming Tasks
Machine TypeRV-2000E/NC Segmented Rigid Arch Hydraulic Press For Medium Complexity Elastoforming Tasks
Engine Power15
Approach Speed19
Working Speed0.65
Return Speed28
Maximum Pressure250
Piston Stroke220
Vertical Light120
Press Cycle Time2
Table Dimensions550
Working Height2.050
Weight [kg]50.000