€30,000 + VAT

Renishaw Equator 300 Versatile Gauge


Cork, Ireland


Renishaw Equator 300 Versatile Gauge

Machine Type: Co-Ordinate Measuring Machine/Versatile Gauge

Year: 2020

Condition: As New, Excellent Condition


Equator Shopfloor Controller Kit

Equator SM25-2U Probe Kit

Equator Joystick Kit

Equator Power Cable UK

Modus Equator

Equator Enclosure Kit

Equator Gauge Checker Kit

M6 EQ33 Modular Fixture Plate x 2

SH25-2A Stylus Holder x 3

Styli x 2

IPC Dongle with one Licence

Technical Specification

Working Volume X & Y: Ø300 mm

Working Volume Z: 150mm

Working Volume Height from Base: 55mm

Machine Weight: 25kg

Dimensions(without enclosure): 570 x 500 x 700mm

Comparison uncertainty*: ±0.002 mm

Probe type - scanning: Renishaw 3-axis SP25 analogue scanning

Maximum scanning speed: (SP25) 200 mm/s

Scanning rate (SP25): 1000 points/s

Probe type - touch-trigger: Renishaw 3-axis TP20 kinematic touch-trigger

Recommended touch speed (TP20): 10 mm/s

Maximum movement speed: 500 mm/s

Scale resolution: 0.0002 mm

Fixturing requirement*: ±1 mm

Machine air supply requirement: No air required

Operating temperature: +5 °C to +50 °C

Storage temperature: -25 °C to +70 °C

Relative humidity operating range: Maximum 80 %RH at 40 °C, non condensing

Machine electrical supply requirements: 100-240 V AC ±10 %, 50-60 Hz

Maximum power consumption**: 190 W

Typical power consumption***: 80-100 W

Fixture plate: 305 mm × 305 mm aluminium

Maximum workpiece weight: 25 kg


* The process of measuring on an Equator involves defining a series of gauge points on the component surface. Periodic calibration of a master part on a

CMM establishes datum values for each gauge point. The same gauge points on the same master part are measured on Equator, ‘mastering’, to establish a

correlation with the certified CMM. Subsequently, a regular ‘re-mastering’ process is used to account for changing environmental conditions. Size and position

measurements made immediately following re-mastering will have a comparison uncertainty of ±0.002 mm relative to the certified measurements of the master

part. This specification applies where each part is fixtured to within 1 mm relative to the master part.

** Peak consumption at power up.

*** 3-axis system typical consumption based on taking touch points under DCC control.


ModelEquator 300 Versatile Gauge
Stock Number968788
Machine TypeCo-Ordinate Measuring Machine
ConditionAs New, Excellent Condition
Working Volume Z150mm
Machine Weight25kg
Comparison uncertainty*±0.002 mm
Maximum scanning speed(SP25) 200 mm/s
Scanning rate (SP25)1000 points/s
Recommended touch speed (TP20)10 mm/s
Maximum movement speed500 mm/s
Scale resolution0.0002 mm
Fixturing requirement*±1 mm
Machine air supply requirementNo air required
Maximum power consumption**190 W
Typical power consumption***80-100 W
Maximum workpiece weight25 kg